That's all the accommodation and travel arrangements made for the first leg of my amazing journey around the world when we (my granddaughter and two great granddaughters) meet up with my grandson and his girlfriend in Brisbane on 11th February.
We are going to the Great Barrier Reef, the Gold Coast, Hils parents' farm and Sydney. After two weeks the girls go home and Vinnie, Hils and I go on a road trip until 15th April, just following our noses, probably staying in hostels and camping.
The next leg of the journey begins on 15th April when I take a cruise ship from Sydney, stopping off at Dunedin, Auckland, Fiji, Papo Pago, Bora Bora, Tahiti, Morea, Honalulu and Hawaii, arriving San Francisco on 13th May.
I then fly down to meet my friends Jack and Betsy in their winter home at Desert Hot Springs. Thankfully they seem happy to have me stay there with them for a few days until it's time to pack up and head north to their summer home in Hoodspost, near Seattle. Then another amazing road trip back to Seattle with them, only this time NOT staying in hostels or campsites!
I guess I had better start up my travel blog again! But how did I do it last year? The problem, with age is that it's accompanied by fading memory and with fading memory comes the need to relearn every darn thing over and over again.
With this trip in mind my girls at the office gave me a wonderful Christmas present of a new IPod Touch. It's something that I'm sure will prove to be very useful because if I don't have access to my netbook (packed in the rucksack) I can whip out my very prortable IPod in a suitable wifi hotspot and skype, facetime, and update photographs to facebook, on the go, to my hearts content, as it where. Well, this is the theory.
The problem is that my head is so full of technology that I have to regularly delete old stuff from my memory board. Consequently whenever I want to do something quite fundemental I have to relearn it. Every minute of the day has become like Groundhog Day. Life is getting very complicated for me.
So, back to the travel blog. How did I do it? And, more important, why did I do it? I think it was because the travel blog tracks my position in the world. But doesn't blogger do that now too? I have to research this. F****** H*** more stuff to learn. But I have to make the effort because if I don't record the journey I'll forget it! At times life can a bitch can't it?
Will Rogers
"There is nothing as stupid as an educated man if you get him off the thing
he was educated in."
1 day ago