Thursday 1 January 2009


It suddenly occured to me to ask my mathematician grandson to solve the puzzle to end all puzzles. This is the grandson that doesn't answer the telephone or reply to texts. My only way of reaching him is Facebook. Back came the answer in a flash.

"The secret is to get some graph paper cut the pieces out and try it. It doesn't actually work. There will be a slight bend in the hypotenuse. Seen it many a time at uni."

OK Frazer, now my next question is what the f... is a hypotenuse?

Happy New Year everyone - and that includes you smart ass - but you know that I love you really don't you.

And finally ..... I used to have a handle on life, but it broke


Mr. Nighttime said...

I'd explain what a hypotenuse is, but as I failed 10th grade geometry - twice - I'm afraid I'll probably get it wrong...again. ;-)

I guess this is why I was so much better at writing.

Deb said...

Happy New Year! Yikes ~ there is no way I can even think about this math puzzle after a night of celebrating! Maybe when my headache disappears I might give it a try. Celebrate!

Wayne Ashford said...

That Frazer lad is quite clever, damn i hate him! he he
Have a word with him about his facial hair though!

ADDY said...

If I remember rightly, the hypotenuse is the side of triangle on the opposite side to the right angle.

DogLover said...

Seems as if Frazer has the answer.

Laurie, did you ask your brother about the puzzle of the triangles? Does he give the same explanation?

[Good news about Boscoe and the fire and great photo of him on your blog]

Unknown said...

Math this early in the new year? - nah. :)

Maggie May said...

Nice to have a clever lad but hypotani (is that the correct plural?) are boring! I cannot get my head round maths.

Lin said...

Happy New Year and let's hope it's an especially good one for you and your hubs.

And by the way... I'm most impressed with your catering skills!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

I can still remember old Whatsisname's theory, parrot fashion and now you ask what is a hypoteneuse! I've long forgotten but think Rosiero may be correct.

Happy New Year RAC.

A x

Gone Back South said...

Hello Retired and Crazy! Just popped over to wish you a happy new year. My patience for puzzles lasts about 4 seconds ...

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Yesterday, writing my comment I thought "is it theory or theorum" - lying in bed at 5.30 this morning I thought "theorum". Think my handle may be broken as well!

A x

Anonymous said...

Had to read the word a couple of times to learn how to pronounce it and probably still have it wrong.

Happy New Year to you.

CJ xx

Anonymous said...

Yes, it's the side of the triangle opposite the right angle. Oooh, I feel quite bright - that makes a change! LOL!

Sandi McBride said...

OMG! My handle broke, too...just about the time you wanted to know what the f*** a hypotenuse was I fell to laughing and leaned to hard on it, lol!!! Don't worry pal, you don't really want to know what it is, take it from me!
Sandi said...

I'm right there with you Mr Nighttime. said...

Happy New Year to you too Deb and everyone else. Why put yourself under pressure just have another drink and enjoy yourself. said...

But you have to admit Wayne that he is georgeous facial hair or not. said...

But you have to admit Wayne that he is georgeous facial hair or not. said...

OK, Rosiero I get your drift - now explain what practical use knowing that information has ever made to your life? said...

Hey hey DogLover this is my blog, if you want to speak to Laurie go visit her. By the way Laurie, did you ever ask your brother? said...

Another headache Lisaschaos? I know - my brain hurts too. said...

My whole purpose for living is to be able to brag about my wonderful family Maggie. said...

Thanks for the compliment Lin, but catering skills? Nah! Just many, many years of cooking for a crowd. said...

Yes Anne I believe that Rosiero is correct. As for the other thing are you referring to Fermat's Last Theorum? Now that's a whole new ball game! said...

Thanks for the visit GoneBackSouth. 4 seconds huh? That long? said...

Pronouce it CJ? You have figured that out? I'm impressesQ! said...

Bright Jay? Your positively on fire! said...

Bright Jay? Your positively on fire! said...

Now Sandi, your my kinda gal!