Tuesday 6 September 2011


Here is my latest correspondence to Carolyn McCall, easyJet's CEO. 

Re: EasyJet Query [Incident: 110726-001018] – Booking Reference EHPNQXZ

On 13th August I wrote regarding the above incident and you referred my correspondence on to Graeme MacLeod your Head of Customer Operations. I would imagine that he subsequently reported back to you that the incident was now closed to his satisfaction. Unfortunately, it was not closed to my satisfaction.

My blog had 2386 page views last month, 52 people work in my office, I have a large extended family and many friends all of whom are astounded at the lack of understand that easyJet has exhibited.

I simply wrote to alert you of problems and was advised to refer my “complaint” to Luton Airport when in fact you should have thanked me for pointing out that your fare paying passengers cannot physically clear security and walk to the gate in the 10 minutes slot between check in and gate closures.

You should either raise the “complaint” with the airport yourself to ensure that this can be achieved or change your criteria. What you should NOT have done was deny boarding to 18 fare paying passengers plus 2 infants, blame them for being late (although I refute that we were late) and then treat them with cold, callous, contempt which is what Amanda Nunan did.

I am a serial traveler. Immediately prior to my visit to Switzerland (the subject of our correspondence) I had returned from a four month overland and sea trip around the world through Europe, Russia, Siberia, Mongolia, China, across the Pacific to Alaska, Canada, USA, finally returning to England across the Atlantic and never had a problem with service .

This week I am travelling from East Midlands to Malaga with bmibaby who, incidentally, ask passengers to be at the gate 30 minutes before departure and add that the gate closes 15 minutes before departure.

By the way, isn’t today the day that the Office of Fair Trading instructed you and other airlines to reduce your exorbitant credit and debit card charges? Are you going to do this? I suspect not. Bear in mind that feelings of invincibility have long been the enemy of many businesses that then go on to fail, News Corporation for example. Are you feeling invincible?

Regards, Ann Cordner


Unknown said...

Wow! When I need a letter of complaint written would you do it for me? I would never be able to be so succinct. Keep at them.....kts

Unknown said...

Ps....lazy finger added the s

and you should write down their address so your followers can support your position...kt

Eddie Bluelights said...

Gosh! I have been absent without leave and I must read this on-going saga. Sock it to them and put the boot in from me! I hate giants on high horses when they treat customers badly. The do not understand without customers they have NO business. Love the piccie on your header Hugs ~ Eddie

Jean Genie(us) said...

Ouch!!! Go go, go Ann. And enjoy bmibaby and your trip.

RNSANE said...

Ann, this airline seems so much worse than even the worst I've encountered. I guess people just don't have the stamina you do to keep up the fight. I hope that, somehow, you are rewarded with some kind of decent resolution.

Unknown said...

9/18 - I am posting this on everyone’s blog:
My father has been in and out of the hospital 3 times in the past couple of weeks.
I have not been able to visit each of you as I would have liked.
Today, it looks as if I am going to have to take him in again so don’t expect to see any comments from me for a while longer. I WILL be back as soon as this passes, one way or another. I have several posts that should go up automatically for the next several weeks that I have held in reserve just for this occasion. kt