Saturday 15 February 2014


Here's an interesting email exchange :-
"Hi Ann!
I am working on an advertising campaign for Sainsbury's with a company called AMV BBDO. You may have seen the recent Sainsburys adverts starring some of the UK's prominent bloggers. As with before, we are looking for some amazing people to take part in a series of adverts for both television and online where they will teach the country how to cook some great recipes. The brief this year is for people with school age children to take part, a combination of parents and grandparents. You don't have to be a food expert, just a normal person with ideas about how to make food go further during the summer holidays. 

I was wondering if this is something you might be interested in? If you send me the best contact number for yourself, I can explain a bit more over the phone. I can also send you links to one of the ladies who took part last year.  

On a side note, I think your blog is fabulous, it's great to see such a consistent and funny blogger!" 
Very best, Roxanne"

"Hi Roxanne, 
I am extremely flattered that you would consider me for this campaign.  HOWEVER,  my cooking days are over.  If it doesn’t “ping”, I don’t eat it.  Shocking isn’t it!  Not only am I not a food expert, I’m not a normal person either.
Bless you, and good luck.  Ann xxx"

"HA! that made me chuckle. Absolutely fair enough. Do let me know if you suddenly have a desire to re-acquaint yourself with an oven.  

Very best, Roxanne"
For our friends abroad, Sainsbury's is one of the UK's premier supermarkets.  Don't you just find life  amazing and aren't people wonderful?  As for re-acquainting myself with an oven Roxanne- that ain't never going to happen!


Anonymous said...

Oh Ann you should have done it and made your big pot of soup yummy jax x

Anonymous said...

Or your roasted leg of lamb. said...

OK Jax. I'll give you that one. said...

And I do cook a mean roast dinner too Betsy. But, in defence of myself, a person whose "signature dish" is spam, beetroot and mayo sandwiches cannot be considered a cook!

Eddie Bluelights said...

Very Funny, Ann.
Loved how you said, "I am not normal".

Join the club.
Eddie xx