Thursday 15 May 2008


The morning rant began, as usual, during Breakfast TV. Today they featured a brave mother whose son had died of vCJD. She also happens to be a journalist and her natural inclination was to research and document the why’s where’s and how’s of the disease. What she uncovered is a national scandal (I know, another one) of lies and cover-ups perpetrated against the great British public by their elected and paid servants the Government, civil servants and petty bureaucrats who between them have managed to ruin a great Country. She has a website,

Because of this dishonourable bunch of tossers the water is now unfit to drink, the air is unfit to breath, the food is unfit to eat, our border controls are non-existent, our criminal justice system is ineffective because our prisons are full of druggies, our streets are dangerous and they won’t even collect our fucking garbage. Exaggeration? I don’t think so!

On Tuesday I was listening to the radio whilst waiting for the dentist to open. The subject was that, shock, horror, Nottingham City Council is going to charge businesses for parking places at their premises on the pretext that it will stop people using their cars. Huh! Our office is in the middle of the countryside, no-one can get here by public transport and we are charged council tax for the 36 parking places we provide on our own land. It is purely a revenue generating initiative. This is where the lying begins and where does it end? Covering up CJD because of the power of the meat lobby. Let's demand zero tollerance rom those lying bastards

Rant over. Grrrr! Sorry about the swearing, I HAVE been trying to contain myself, honest, but this morning I had to let rip.

Calm down Ann, calm down. And now to something completely different. Here is one for Stinking Billie who thought it was a pity that OG and I weren't in the office photograph. Well Billie, this is the rogues gallery as of 1st April (there have been a couple of changes since then) see if you can spot us.


Anonymous said...

its not just this bunch , it was all started with the previous bunch of tossers.
There's nothing to chose between any of them.
Why - the civil servants do not change and there in lies a tale

mrsnesbitt said...

Radio 2 ...Jeremy Vine.......I can hear it as I sit here!

Dx said...

Oh Valleys mam, you are so wise, but politics aside, how do do we get back from this terrible place we have found ourselves in? said...

Hi again mrsnesbitt, I missed the Jeremey Vine show, by the time I read your comment he had passed to the next guest. Drat.

aims said...

I'm guessing that OG is the guy with the pink pom poms on his head and you have a pink hat on yours and are wearing glasses. Just because you didn't want to wear a different color than your man..... :0)

DogLover said...

Wake up R&C, o sour one, here's your chance to get out of your present poverty trap: charge your staff for parking outside your office.

When you're rich and famous, remember who gave you this tip.


And, while you're at it, why not sack the extravert in the black Stetson. Who IS that man?

Grit said...

this is the time to shake my head and say 'if voting changed anything, they'd abolish it'. (i nicked that line from ken livingstone, who presumably now is considering its wisdom.) said...

Wow, how wrong can you be aims. The clue should be retiredandcrazy as in retired?! These two gentle spirits are in their mid 20/30's. said...

Doglover has won the prize, OG is the extravert in the stetson. Regarding the parking spaces,I suspect that it is your warped thinking like that has resulted in you being the richest man in Surrey. said...

Amen to that grit, but what SHOULD we do?

Maggie May said...

Nice to see you both!