This time it's the turn of my grandson Ali. Being his grandmother I predict that he is destined for great things. But hey, no need for me to brag, these were his results, you be the judge.
A* French and Chemistry
A History, biology, physics, English literature, English language, ICT, and Spanish.
B Maths and RE
C Art
And, even better, he is a great guy. Well done Ali and enjoy the BBQ and party tonight.
Apart from this excitement what has happened? Well I guess the highlight of my week was meeting up with Nick, the guy who did the London to New York overland trip this year. Any trepidation that I might have had evaporated. Joy simply radiated from he when he recalled the journey.
In his opinion the most "challenging" problem was the lack of "personal hygiene" facilities on the Trans Siberian Express, or as Nick put it "take plenty of baby wipes with you"! The "best bits" were the amazing places they visited and sharing the experience with his travelling companions who became like family. The bit he enjoyed the least was the 14 days spent on the 5* Cruise Liner because it was difficult to cope with pure unadulterated luxury and inactivity after experiencing the highs of the road. Personally, I think that I would be OK with that one!
So... where am I going and when? On 25th March next year I'm leaving for a 95 day trip across 3 continents and through 15 countries - Belgium, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Russia, Mongolia, China, South Korea, Japan, Alaska, Canada, finally arriving in New York on 24th June (or thereabouts!).
Why? Long story, but the abreviated version is that I watched a guy being interviewed on Breakfast TV about 6 years ago. He was organising a trip to travel in a bus overland to Australia. His plan was to buy the bus in London and sell it in Australia. I really fancied doing that and, with Davy's encouragement, tried unsuccessfully to find out more about it.
Roll on a few years - I heard about this Ozbus Company trip and thought "wow, that sounds great". The rest, as they say, is history. I know that if Davy was alive he would have loved me to go and a friend of mine suggested that I organise sponsorship in his memory, so this is what I intend to do. I am in the early stages of setting up an on-line donation payable to Marie Curie.
I chose this charity because the Marie Curie nurses were so kind to Davy when they came to the house to help nurse him in his final days. It was very cold and we had heavy snow, but they turned out any time of the day or night to do, what I call, practical "hands on" nursing. We had plenty flocking around offering "verbal" help, but Marie Curie was the only organisation that "put their money where their mouth was" provided what we really needed, lifting, changing, washing, etc. Without them I wouldn't have been able to keep Davy at home where he desperately wanted to be.
More news about the way to donate once I have figured it out for myself!
Will Rogers
"There is nothing as stupid as an educated man if you get him off the thing
he was educated in."
1 day ago
Congratulations to Ali. Wel done.
I think it is an excellent idea....... your plan to rove for Marie-Curie!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Well done to Ali. That trip sounds awesome.
The journey sounds marvellous - if only I was your age (39) I'd join you!
Several people I know have set up sponsorship facilities via "Just Giving". Donating is a doddle.
You might meet Hugh Grant who is a Marie Curie sponsor ... or what about taking him with you for those long Siberian days and nights ...
bravo, ali! and what a trip. that sounds like such a fantastic route to take. (and speaking right now, if i were going to do that trip, i would DEFINITELY leave the kids at home!)
Thanks Maggie, as I said it wasn't my original idea, but a remarkably good one!
Awesome Addy? I think it's blood terrifying!
I had already started to set myself up with a "just giving" account DogLover. All I need to do is add the blurb and I don't get much time to really sit down and think what I want to say. Not like me is it?
I empathise with you grit and you don't even have the end of the holidays to look forward to!
Just come back to say that I loved your Roast and it had me in stitches.
I have replied more fully on his blog!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
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