Take a look at this. It was sent to me by grit and has restored my faith in the human race. I love marching bands, they make me well up inside. This had the same effect. Wonderful. Thanks grit. You made my day.
Will Rogers
"There is nothing as stupid as an educated man if you get him off the thing
he was educated in."
1 day ago
Fantastic! I've got a huge grin on my face after watching this. Hope you don't mind if I nick it for my blog as well.
Be my guest guineapigmum. I nicked it off of grit!
Did it bring a tear to your eyes Eva? It did me.
Made me cry!! I love these "flash mobs"!! Thanks for sharing!
That was fantastic, gives me a lovely warm feeling why can't we feel like that everyday. thanks for sharing
Good day!This was a really outstanding website!
I come from milan, I was luck to look for your Topics in digg
Also I obtain much in your topic really thank your very much i will come later
Oh Brilliant, my dearest darling!!
Mind if I nick it as well LOL
Love the Hallelujah Chorus. Hi Five to Handel LOL
Love Flash Mob things
Some flash mob eh!
Hugs ~ Eddie
I'd never heard of a "flash mob" SueAnn, but now I have I want to see more.
Nothing like the warm fuzzies is there stanger? Or should I say that there is nothing strange about warm fuzzies. Or should I say... Oh! forget it Ann, now you are getting boring!.
Be my guest Eddie. By the way, I see David Mahone (author blog) is back again. What's the story?
I hope you don't mind but I sent that video on to two friends of mine, both in choirs. It certainly is uplifting. I would have hated to be the girl that sang first - how embarrassing is that?
Maggie X
Nuts in May
That's fine Addy. I guess you wouldn't do it if you get embarrassed. Me? Not for a £M!
Isn't it wonderful Maggie. We went to a friends wedding and during the meal the waiters suddenly started singing like that. We hadn't a clue that they were the entertainment for the evening. They did a great job at serving table too!
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