I must confess that I'm a saddo who frequently watches the BBC World Business Report between 0530 and 0600. I know, I need to get out more don't I? This morning I saw an astonishing interview with Alpesh Patel which made me sit bolt upright. See what you make of it. I should say that I believe these BBC iplayer links are only active for about 2 weeks so time is of the essence if you want to be amazed. Warning, don't watch if you are of a delicate nature!
PS: Eva has alerted me to the fact that this video can't be viewed outside of the UK so for those who can't see it amoung the things he talks about is that the natural disasters of the last 12 months have an "end of the world" feel about them and are almost biblical in scale. He said "read your bible it's all there". One of his predictions is that the 3rd world countries are now getting richer and as a result their demand for food is going up, but because of these disasters the supply is declining. He predicts that food prices will rise by 50% in the West this year. Wow! Time to stock up on provisions!!
Will Rogers
"There is nothing as stupid as an educated man if you get him off the thing
he was educated in."
1 day ago
I clicked on the link and it says the video is not available in my area. darn.
I'm sorry Eva, it is obviously only available in the UK. Amoung other things he talks about is that the natural disasters of the last 12 months have an "end of the world" feel about them and are almost biblical in scale. He said "read your bible it's all there". One of his predictions is that the 3rd world countries are now getting richer and as a result their demand for food is going up, but because of these disasters the supply is declining. He predicts that food prices will rise by 50% in tne West this year. Wow! Time to stock up on provisions!!
Interesting!! I just heard on the news that much of the grain production has been reduced which will cause many things to go up...like meats, dairy and the like!
For some time I've been thankful I have no children. The coming generations in the West are going to see fundamental changes, with China becoming the dominant nation in the world, with all the consequences that may imply.
But predicting the future is a dangerous occupation. A few years ago, my cousin wrote a book (Global 2050) suggesting what might happen in the next fifty years. Already some of it has proved incorrect and unseen events have occurred!
Alpesh Patel recommends "getting religion" ... too late for me, I'm sorry to say! But an afterlife would be interesting, to watch what does happen!
That is the problem SueAnn, that and the fact that the Australian crop has now gone belly up too!
Yes, it is the children that I worry about DogLover. By the time some of this happens I'll be long gone!
On the news today, there was a report about USA food prices going up because the people of countries that have been deprived are now earning more and are importing food from the USA to feed their people, leaving our home grown food supply short for us. Flagmaker
It's going to be an enormous problem isn't it flagmaker. We also have this "just in time" policy in the supermarkets. They don't hold any stock so any shortages are felt immediately.
Or perhaps time to become less dependent on processed food? We could all stop wasting so much (just processing food is a waste - of energy, as well as tossing out the bits people don't fancy) and we'd have enough to eat for a long time yet!
Amen to that Jay
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