Sunday 27 April 2008


I was very kindly awarded this by Maggie May, now I pass it on to other more deserving bloggers.


menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

I have but a minute right now to thank you for your award dear generous lady. I will come back tomorrow to catch up with you properly. You have spunk, determination, intellect and loyalty and what a character you are. I love your blog and I too am well overdue to hand out some awards but I will do it soon. Hope your love God is fairing better these days.

Gone said...

Thanks for the thought, It means a lot but I like to keep the blog award free and meme free, hope you understand.

Lin said...

Thank you so very much. It means a lot to me and your timing is perfect. I haven't written for a couple of weeks. A friend of mine has received a late stage lung cancer diagnosis and I have truly been at a loss for words. That's all I want to talk about, but it's all I won't talk about in this format as she told me a couple of weeks ago how she loved reading my blog and it took her mind off things, etc. So, thank you for the award which made me smile but which also gave me a needed kick up the bum. I will post later today and hop back in the saddle.

And regarding the chemo, can OG have a shortened course or is it all or nothing and, have you posed this question to the docs...If you were the one facing this decision for yourself, what would you decide to do? Do they feel OG can withstand the chemo (but just feel worse than horrible)? said...

Unfortunately MOB my love God has lost his mojo. said...

I wish I could be as cool as you Grocer, I'm just too thrilled when I receive an award not to strutt it! Sad old cow that I am! said...

Lin, I am so sorry. This cancer is a bastard isn't it.

Luckily OG is OK about me writing about it because it keeps all our friends informed without him having to continuously go over the same stuff which he finds quite stressful. And it really helps me.

In answer to your question, he will have a milder form of chemo than they would be administed before the operation. In the event he proved unsuitable for this agressive chemo, hence going straight to the operation.

If he did start the course, which would be given at home, the oncologist said he could stop if he found it too much to cope with.

Me? I think I would go for the chemo, but the operation was so radical and I can understand why he is taking his time to decide. He is not sure if he can handle it.

Laura Jane Williams said...

Thank you! said...

You are welcome Girl in the Mask. I love your Mustang Sally story. OG said that is just how I was when I was younger. I never took money out with me, I just survived on a wing and a prayer.

Expat mum said...

Thank you so much. I have been wondering what this award meant for some time, and I have just got it! What an idiot eh?

Grit said...

i am deeply humbled to get an award and have been known to blub a bit. on the quiet though, when no-one is looking. may there be laughter, always, even when there's actually not much to laugh about.

Iota said...

You're too too kind

Iota said...

By the way, I'm being really really thick, but I can't work this one out.

I less than three your blog? Sorry. Just can't get it. Can you enlighten me? I know I'm going to say "ohhhhhh" when you tell me. said...

I know Expat Mum and IOTA - I had trouble with the meaning of this award too. Maggie May explained that <3 is supposed to look like a heart on its side! It means I love your blog! said...

I love getting awards too grit. You know, I live North of London and South of Newcastle, but we don't have a posh swimming pool near us!

Carolyn said...

Thank you SO much!! I'm so flattered. I'm hoping to post this sometime today or tomorrow... said...

Carolyn, I just read what you say about awards and totally agree, BUT I love someone to appreciate me and in turn have to tell someone else how much I appreciate and enoy them. I know, it's a bitch!

Anonymous said...

I am a purist as well - I have no memes or awards and I only write about real things that have actually happened and my own true feelings about them. Thats for the best doncha think? said...

Absolutely Mutley, horses for courses.

Carolyn said...

Awards are a double-edged sword for me. I love giving and getting, but spend a lot of time doing so, and as such don't have time left over to post about the stuff that's really weighing on me.

So, I hope you didn't take offence. I really appreciate the award!!! said...

Carolyn, I do agree with you and understand that you have more important things to do. Me? I'm just a sad old geezer with too much time on her hands.