It was such a relief to come home for the weekend, although a little scary. The 75- mile drive was particularly trying. OG has a scar from his groin to above his naval and two drainage tubes so I was conscious of every bump in the road and drove at a very sedate and elderly 40 miles an hour even on the motorways. In future I will be more tolerant of old fogies driving at the speed of a tortoise.
As predicted, his appetite picked up immediately and each day that goes by sees him gaining more strength and wrestling control back from me. He even managed a short trip to the office yesterday and is starting to ask questions that make my poor colleagues sweat and stammer. Bring back the “good old days” I say!
Tomorrow we move to the next phase which is to have another scan to re-check that the plumbing is still working and then have the last of the drainage tubes removed. There will then be the usual follow-ups and maybe other treatments, but that will all be revealed in the fullness of time.
I was going to write “when I started this blog we had no idea what a boon it would be to help keep all our family, friends and colleagues up to speed with OG’s progress”, but as I was writing I had feelings of déjà vu. Hadn’t I written this before? The bitch of it is that this now happens frequently. I start recounting an interesting tale only to see my target audience lose the will to live. I say, “have I told you this before” and I can tell from the reaction that not only is this a repeat, but is probably, at best, a repeat of a repeat and may even be a repeat of a repeat of a repeat!
Will Rogers
"There is nothing as stupid as an educated man if you get him off the thing
he was educated in."
1 day ago
Great news! If he can survive your sedate driving, he can survive anything!
Sorry about your short-term memory; hasn't happened to me yet!
Great news! If he can survive your sedate driving, he can survive anything!
Sorry about your short-term memory; hasn't happened to me yet!
Great news! If he can survive your sedate driving, he can survive anything!
Sorry about your short-term memory; hasn't happened to me yet!
What? He's already heading into the office?
I bet he feels he needs a distraction...tell him to take up knitting! :0)
Short Term Memory - that by which one remembers what has happened in the recent past.
Total Concentration - that by which one concentrates totally on one subject, excluding all others.
Breathing - that by which one uses total concentration excluding all other functions including short term memory.
This is attributed mainly to aging ones and addicted bloggers!
So, what's been happening?????
I've not been by this way for months - didn't realise what a traumatic time you have been having. I'm glad I happened just as it all looks as if situation is improving.
Blogs are so very helpful in more ways than one. Hope you will be off all 'nurse duties' soon.
Best wishes ..
Glad things are getting back to normal.
Fanstastic news, sounds like your not getting it all your own way - ha ha, more power to OG!
Take care :o)
Good news RAC, and you can put it all down to your TLC I'm sure. I hope OG continues to thrive. M xx
Thinking thinking thinking of you both. My memory already shot. am sure its on account of having children? post natal amnesia; really: there is such a thing. That the the subsquent worry. i hope the weekend is good.
Why is everyone going on about bad memories all of a sudden?
aims, I dare you to tell him to take up knitting. But let me get a good distance between us before you do!
Talking about total concentration Jean, I said to one of my colleagues on Tuesday "Elvis is in the building". She said to me this morning "I've just realised what you said to me on Tuesday - you meant Davy was in the office, sorry I was concentrating".
Isn't it rewarding to know that an employee is concentrating so hard on her work that she isn't listening to a blind word that is being said to her by a Senior Director? Or is it? Umm!
Welcome back ladythinker. Good to have you around I may need your nursing expertise in the coming weeks! Like, how to you avoid wanting to kill the patient?!
Dear, dear MaggieMay, normal??!! I don't want normal, I want abnormal. Much more challenging.
Hi Wayne, I might have expected a male perspective from you!
Dear sweet M, you give me more credit than I am due. TLC I do not do! What do you think made OG grumpy in the first place?
By the way, it is so good to be home with randome, impetuous, full and free access to my computer. Now I am able to thank everyone for their comments and tell you all how much this has helped us through this rocky patch. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Happy to hear good progress,Ive been away so not had chance to read updates until today
Do hope he will be okay, bless him. I have a terrible memory, everyone laughs at me but sometimes it's quite frustrating! And as for repeating myself in blogs, I think I've done it over and over.
Crystal xx
Vm, you are the master. Respect.
My email is
Dear Crystal, whew! I thought that I was the only one that was losing it!
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