Tuesday 24 February 2009


“What are you thinking?”

“I feel a blog coming on”

“Oh very good, while you are writing it why don’t you wear my cowboy hat?”.

Now that, as they say, is another story!

OG is progressing with the renovation work.

The laundry room is now complete and the mezzanine sitting room is waiting for a new carpet to be fitted. Yes, that IS an enormous TV and I must admit that it is my fault. I am normally the sensible one of this outfit, but when we went shopping I couldn’t resist this bargain. It will eventually live in our newly renovated sitting room (renovations to start imminently) where it will reign supreme. Meanwhile it can content itself by dominating this smaller space.

OG has now moved on to demolishing a chimney. That night he complained of feeling tired!

A few nights ago he asked

"Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you!"


Now that was a tough one and anyone that knows OG will understand why. He is such an unusual man. Maybe that's what I should say "Because you're an unusual man". Would that satiisfy him I wonder? Probably not. Mmmm - this is more difficult that it seems!

To give a graphic explanation of what I mean one of our ex-employees who became a great friend put on face book that the wisest man he knows is an alcoholic, dyslexic, builder. This, my friends, is OG. Unusual. Although to be honest Ashley's discription of him is slightly wrong. He is a recovering alcolohic. Hasn't touched a drop for over 35 years.

And finally ..... a good time to keep your mouth shut is before you put your foot in it!


Maggie May said...

The friend was a bit mean putting all that in face book about OG.
He is getting on with your building like a house on fire!
My two are also burrowing under the kitchen again today. Nearly done now!
What would we do without them?

ADDY said...

Gosh.. OG is working hard. I wish Greg would get on and do all the decorating around the house. Our bedroom has not been done for 19 years (can you imagine!!)

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

Actually Maggie I agree that the friend was mean putting that on facebook. I did complain that he should have said "the wisest person I know is the WIFE of an alcoholic, dyslexic builder". Back came the reply "No - he is wise, you are smart!". I liked that.

Anonymous said...

Ooh, your renovations are coming along nicely, aren't they?

It is difficult to quantify why we love someone, isn't it? I'm usually reminded of that rather strange Popeye movie that Robin Williams did.

Olive Oyle was getting ready to get married to Bluto and she was supposed to sing how wonderful he was and why, and all she could say was 'He's ... large! He's large, and .. he's mine!'


david mcmahon said...

What a huge project!

Eddie Bluelights said...

Gosh! What a hive of activity. You know, you ladies are so lucky to have husbands like us! Hmmm! Shall I duck and am I living dangerously? I must ask my wife if she loves me and why? Haven't done so for a long time. I wonder what she would say. Perhaps, I'd better not. Or should I? What do you think?

Eddie Bluelights said...

Me again! I've just reset some settings which should stop the word verification and allow comments on the postings. Hope it works OK. I'm a bit bleary-eyed at the moment because its late and I've been looking at a lot of blogs, done another post and had a go at writing a humorous play for the nest post. My wife thinks I'm mad! She might be right! Must turn in because I am on ambulance duty tomorrow - will take the camera just in case. Eddie

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

Alcoholics are driven people Rosiero. OG is either doing nothing or doing everything. At the moment he is going through a do everything phase. It's wonderful because we spent many, many years in the do nothing phase! Your day will come.

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

Yes it is a huge project David. luckily OG was a builder in his former life.

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

Eddie your blog is very impressive and already much visited. You are doing very well. I think you are a great communicator and have an excuse for sliding out of doing mundane DIY stuff.

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Its all looking good RAC - my OH is not much good at DIY so I'm not too sure why I love him but I do. A x

Sandi McBride said...

What movies are going to be up on the big screen??? Let me know when Gran Torino will be playing, I'll bring the popcorn!

Unknown said...

I just love coming here...there's an award for you on my blog. Come check it out!

Eddie Bluelights said...

Thank you for your note of 25 Feb. Have been a bit busy writing but had to reply to say I am encouraged by your remarks. Blogging is proving to be very addictive. Must learn to balance things with other life.
Looking forward to your next post. Best wishes

Gone Back South said...

Yeah yeah never mind the building work ... the important question is ... did you wear the cowboy hat?!

Anonymous said...

are you ever going to stop RC. Its nice to see OG feeling well enough to do all this.how is his health these days.

Anonymous said...

Looks like OG is doing an amazing job. Must be great to not have to rely on employing builders and trusting them with your home when you have your very own on your doorstep!

CJ xx

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

I know Anne, this "why do you love me" thing is very hard to define isn't it?

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

Gran Turino is one of the movies I am looking out for too Sandi. When it comes out on DVD I'll give you a call and you can come on by.

Now Clint Eastwood, there is a man I could get "interested" in! A bit old, but very "rangy" if you know what I mean!

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

Thank you so much for the award Sarah. By the way, I love your blog

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

Eddie, blogging is about to get a whole lot more addictive because I would like to pick up the Smile Award.

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

The 19 year old cowgirl comes out in me GBS and there I go again, wearing OG's cowboy hat!

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

Thanks for asking VM. OG is doing great, although having said that we still wait with baited breath for the result of every blood test and CT scan. He had a scan last week and we see the oncologist on Friday, so fingers crossed that the enlarged lymph glad has calmed down.

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

When we started this project OG employed a builder and had intended to work alongside him. He was then diagnosed with bladder cancer and what with the operation and chemo wasn't able to help. Now he is feeling up to par and has taken over the whole job and things are going great. So the short answer CJ is that yes, it's wonderful having my own personal builder. Next thing I'm looking for is a fit Johnny Depp look alike personal trainer. Do you know anyone that would fit the bill?

Mozi Esme said...

Way to go on the renovations! OG sounds like an interesting guy! And I have no clue what the correct answer would be if my husband asked that...

Senn the Cartoonist said...

DIY? nightmare..

Eddie Bluelights said...

Hi R&C. What is the Smile Award? Not heard of it yet or have I missed something? Eddie

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

Yes, MoziEsmi, OG is an "interesting" guy. His "interest" came on full blast yesterday when he objected to everything and contributed nothing! Do I sound pissed? Back to the drawing board! But I still love him.

www.retiredandcrazy.com said...

Yes Senn,DIY nightmare. Especially this morning because OG is kicking off about me wanting to sell some curtains on Ebay. He wants them to go in the skip! If he keeps this up he will be the one in the skip!!