Wednesday 4 March 2009


There are some very interesting people out there in the blog-sphere and I would like to pass this Smile Award, kindly given to me by, on to some of them.

So ….here are a sample of the many, many blogs that make me smile, and sometimes even cry. Enjoy.

As for me, I am having and “interesting” day with my “interesting” husband.

Today he is clearing our sitting room of “stuff” so that he can rip it to pieces. Here are a couple of “before” pictures. He is moving the fireplace to where the French doors are, putting in a new window where the fireplace is, fit patio doors where the window is, take down two columns that used to support the stairs and take down the beams. Whew! No wonder he gets grumpy! OG = Old Grumpy – geddit?

OG just tried to apologise for being snappy earlier and I said “Don’t mellow me out, I’m just telling everyone what a bastard you are”.

And finally … my husband and I may divorce over religious differences. He thinks he’s God and I know that he isn’t.


Anonymous said...

"And finally … my husband and I may divorce over religious differences. He thinks he’s God and I know that he isn’t."

LOL!!! :-)

Maggie May said...

Oh.... I love it! My old man is always doing something or other to our home. I only have to say, I wonder what it would be like to have that window taken out & the door put over here? And it is started before I know it. Have to be very careful what I say!

And mellow yellow suits you too!
If OG was not grumpy, what would you say on the blog? It would be boring!

laurie said...

the god/divorce joke is hilarious. i had to read it to my god. i mean, husband.

thanks for the award! the drawing alone made me smile.

ADDY said...

My goodness, what do you feed OG - Duracell batteries?

aims said...

I love renovating. The only thing is - I'm always the one doing it while The Man researchs (so he says) stuff on the computer.

Eddie Bluelights said...

Loved the post and gosh you are busy. Are you overhauling the whole house? Regarding family relationships, Hmm! I just do what I'm told, it's a lot easier. That's why we managed to have our 36th wedding aniversary yesterday. Maria says she loves me once a year. I guess it is all worth it. Us men know our place! Many thanks for the smile award - I am very honoured to receive it so early after POTD.

Unknown said...

That room looks great! Can't wait to see the finished product. :) Men usually think they're god. :)

Eddie Bluelights said...

A big thank you for the Smile Award at my place. Thanks and Goodnight, Eddie x

Anonymous said...

Love the last bit! And I love your sitting room too.

CJ xx

Anonymous said...

What the hell will he do when he's done all that, you must be melllow to let it all happen.
My fella wants to knock the dining room and kitchen together and put a conservatory across the two.
God - nope Godess rules in this house and she has said no way.He never finishes anything RC I would go ditzy!

Strawberry Jam Anne said...

Good to hear you are keeping him busy RAC. Is he under the impression that it is all his idea too. Great "final" sentence, as per! A x said...

The man is completely deluded Chapati. Ask any woman and she will tell you that God is female. said...

The strange thing is Maggie that when OG worked as a builder he hated doing anything around the house. Now I can't stop him. said...

Yes, Laurie, it is a funky drawing isn't it? said...

That it so funny Rosiero, I must remember that one! said...

I love renovating too aims, provided I don't have to be the one to do it! said...

Congratulations to you and your good lady on your 36th wedding anniversary Eddie. In answer to your question, yes we are extending and renovating the whole house. It started off as a two bedroom bungalow 26 years ago onto which OG built a two story extension but it never had "street appeal". These renovations started off as an "I've got a good idea" moment early one morning and now, nearly two years later, we are still in the midst of it. said...

Thanks CJ, the sitting room is smaller that we are used to but very cosy. By the way, what happened to Stinking Billie? said...

When we are done you will have to come on over Lisa. said...

You ask what he will do when he has finished CJ. I can tell you that. He intends to build a swimming pool!!!