Thursday 1 October 2009


It’s OG’s birthday today and he had the best present he could ever have had. Long story. Diabetes has affected his eyes and over the past few years he has had several operations on them. Consequently, in order to renew his licence, he has to have a peripheral vision test every three years. This year the DVLA claimed he had failed the test and revoked his licence. Now to say that this was a tragedy is a bit of an understatement. We are talking here of the man who once drove a Maserati and now owns an Audi S6. You know, the one with a Lamborghini engine? Get the picture?

Well. OG being OG didn’t agree with this decision. I thought “oh no! here we go ! – OG fights the world again”. He started off quite mildly (for him) by trying to talk to the DVLA. Brick wall.

His ophthalmic surgeon said that the decision could be quite arbitrary and sometimes made by a non-medical person and although, in his opinion OG’s eyesight passed the criteria, he thought it would be quite difficult to get the DVLA to overturn their decision – for that read “I don’t want to get involved”. Brick wall.

So he thought about it quietly for a while and then got mad, got the best legal representation and this morning got the licence back. Result.

And one has more driving ambition than the boy who anxiously awaits his 16th birthday


Anonymous said...

Yea, happy birthday, Davy. Flagmaker

ADDY said...

It can be so difficult to avoid large organisations. As long as he is no danger to other motorists or pedestrians, he should be allowed to drive. Is the test on paper or a proper driving test?

ADDY said...

Should have read... "it is difficult to FIGHT large organisations". Whatever made me put AVOID???

Maggie May said...

As long as he can see well enough..... that's the main thing.
Happy Birthday to OG. said...

Thanks anonymous, I've passed that on. said...

And you know all about the difficulties of fighting large organistions Rosiero don't you? Keep the faith friend! said...

I've passed on your birthday wishes too Maggie. Thanks. OG actually isn't feeling too good at the moment. The had a bone scan this week and the technician couldn't see anything untoward, apart from the fact that he broks a rib when he fell off his bike a couple of months ago. He didn't even know it was broken until she told him!

jay said...

Well, good for him!! It shouldn't be arbitrary, there should be a way to get a medical authorisation if the verdict is borderline, at the very least. So glad he is still able to drive!

Happy birthday, OG!