Friday 3 August 2007


Here is a picture of one of the little princesses (dressed as a butterfly) enjoying the sunshine and village pageant to celebrate Swiss National Day. She should have been walking in the parade, but had somehow managed to wangle a shoulder lift from one of the obliging helpers. Like most young ladies in waiting she has learnt at a very young age to manipulate things to her own advantage.

The second princess, in her decorated cart-mobile, is gazing in wonder at all the crowds who have lined the paths to cheer her! Her painted face and wide grin are a joy to behold. You can tell that, although enthusiastic, I am not much of a photographer. The reward and bribe to pursuade two tired little girls to walk the distance back to the apartment was candy floss, fudge and ice cream. A perfect end to the perfect day

Locals would have it that this is the biggest, bestest and most premier parade in all of Switzerland (well they would wouldn’t they). I can testify that the evening firework display is the biggest, bestest and most premier display in all the world, EVER! (well I would, wouldn’t I?)
Unfortunately, the little princesses were too tired to view the show from our showcase balcony location. Maybe next year.

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