Here we go again. The General Election begins "in earnest" today with the launch of the Labour Party crap manifesto. Same old, same old. The political pundits will now spend hours dissecting and analysing it instead of simply asking, if this manifesto is the future why haven't you tossers done any of this over the last 9 years instead of lying, cheating and robbing us.
Another "news" item is that "we" snack too much resulting in"us" piling on the pounds! Where do they get their information from, The University of Stating the Bleeding Obvious? Grrr!! This is all very bad for my blood pressure.
It is very quiet at my house at the moment. My grandaughter and her husband are in Mexico, my two baby greatgrandsons are with Dan's mum and dad and my two greatgrandaughters are spreading themselves around the family as the mood takes them. Right now they are with me and today we plan to do what all girls do at the first opportunity, go shopping. We may even take in lunch.
They spent the weekend with my batty daughter who took them out to dinner on Friday evening and then on to the late showing of Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang. They enjoyed the film and would like to see it again. My guess is that they slept through most of it because they are only little (7 & 9)! On Saturday they had a BBQ. My daughter has a large house and loves children. She keeps them as an insurance against boredom and the girls love it there.
Well, let's see what today brings shall we. Toodle pip!
Will Rogers
"There is nothing as stupid as an educated man if you get him off the thing
he was educated in."
1 day ago
WHO is there who is worth voting for?........ thats what I want to know.
Glad you have had a great holiday. It is always a bit of a daunting experience when you come home. (I find.)
Nuts in May
Toodle pip????
Have you gone back to your youth in the 1920's?
You'll have better blood pressure if you don't watch TV. Or else hire some DVDs instead of shouting at political programmes - there should be some good Fred Astaire and Jack Buchanan films available.
Amy went to see Nanny McPhee last week and really enjoyed it and now wants the DVD!
Oh yes, the general election; what a load of ... that is. Two sets of politicians constantly slagging each other off and doing nothing to help the country in the meantime!
CJ xx
If the politicians spent half as much energy on running the country as they do running the other parties down, we might just get ahead. I hope none of them knock at my door! A
Politics is so upsetting to me. It seems that, in spite of all the promises at election time, they do what they bloody well want, once the get into office.
I can't wait till I have a grandchild. Have to get this first wedding out of the way - only three more weeks...maybe a year from now, I'll be gazing down at a sweet baby!
I'm sick of the election coverage already. Only another two and a half weeks to go!!
You are in one of my FAVORITE places in the world right now...if I'm correct~Have a ball....the water is azure-blue. sigh. memories~xoxoxox
DogLover, you are being very disrespectful to me. I'm only 69!
And now we have had two "debates" I feel that your words are even more apt Crystal
I can thorough recommend a holiday Maggie. I came back to a bit of a family crisis and am looking forward to going away to USA soon. Let things cool down a bit.
I would actually relish a politician knocking on my door Anne. I would love to have that opportunity!
Carmen the only thing as good a grandchildren is greatgrandchildren. Enjoy the wedding.
Only a few days to go now Addy. It just get more and more tedious doesn't it?
I'm back from Switzerland now Carol, but it's one of my favourite places too. But the plus side is that I am now back in the bossom of my family. I love it.
You are right: there's nothing like being 'home' with family!!!!!
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