Monday 29 March 2010

Good day, bad day

I had an excellent day. The sun shone, we met Vinnie's girl friend at the top of the mountain for lunch, relaxed and all was going well until I got back to the hotel and my key card wouldn't work. When I checked my paperwork I realised that I should have checked out of this hotel this morning and moved on to my next destination in Switzerland! How could I be so stupid? Don't answer that.

But the good guys back at the Office pulled me out of the mire and I move on tomorrow instead. It will be a long day involving a car journey, 3 changes of trains, 1 bus ride and another car journey. After todays fiasco I wonder if I will actually reach my destination of VIllars? Wish me luck!
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RNSANE said...

Sounds like you are having some very interesting travels in spite of a bit of complications!! I love Switzerland and have a wonderful from in the Berne area who I have visited twice.

DogLover said...

There - I knew you shouldn't have turned down my offer to accompany you as your travel secretary ...

Anonymous said...

What an adventure. You have more guts than me. Just think of the stories you can tell. Perhaps this is the journey you're suppose to be'll probably meet some interesting people. Flagmaker

Anonymous said...

What a journey you're taking. This is probably what is meant to be. You'll probably meet some interesting people along the way and have more stories to tell.

Anonymous said...

And I guess I should learn how to reply to your blog....thought the first one got deleted, but now I see it didn't. Chalk it up to old age!!! Flagmaker

DogLover said...

Flagmaker - old age? Never!

DogLover said...

Flagmaker - old age? Never!

DogLover said...

Flagmaker - old age? Never!