Friday 12 March 2010


Our blessed Prime Minister Gordon Brown recently, in all sincerity, compared himself with other party leaders saying "with me what you see is what you get". For once I wholeheartedly agree with him. What I see is madness and mayhem.


BioniKat said...

Haha probably not the interpretation he was aiming for. Compare him to South African leadership!!

RNSANE said...

I feel that way about the mayor of San Francisco who has now given pink slips to practically the entire department of public health, doctors and nurses alike!! It is total chaos.

Maggie May said...

Yes..... that just about sums it all up!

Nuts in May

Eddie Bluelights said...

Brown's Blunderings Bash Britain
The man is a complete cretin - I wonder how he has survived this long.

Best wishes to you ~ Eddie

Grumpy Old Ken said...

Know what you mean but name me three from any party you trust. Our local MP is Margaret Beckett for goodness sake!

Mare Freeborn said...

I think the politicians in Britain & America are all cut from the same cloth!! Haven't logged on in a while & hope you are doing well. All my best! ;->

Mare Freeborn said...

Well momcat I guess there are worse than him, maybe Robert Mugabe? said...

Is a pink slip the equavalent to our ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Order)Carmen? said...

What did we ever do to deserve such a weird Prime Minister Maggie, as a nation we must have been pretty unrully in an earlier life! said...

Cretin is a good word Eddie. I wholely agree with that. You look after yourself and that good wife and sister of yours. Love, Ann. said...

Three from any party Ken? Now that's hard. I would probably say Vince Cable, Vince Cable, and ........Vince Cable? said...

I'm was doing OK under the circumstances Mare, but recently I seem to have taken a bit of a dip. I guess that's to be expected though.