When you go away it's always a bit worrying in case the accommodation and facilities arn't up to scratch but luckily these are excellent. Unlike our crazy apartment in Brooklyn.
These 3 little girls just love messing about in boats. Such innocence!
I have been arranging a lunch in Soho with 3 of my "girl"! friends next month. Wana join is Addy? We are all fellowship
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Will Rogers
"There is nothing as stupid as an educated man if you get him off the thing
he was educated in."
1 day ago
Love palm trees and sunshine. Wish I were there. Guess I'll have to wait until winter and Palm Springs. Flagmaker
What a great back yard! Very lush!
Maggie X
Nuts in May
Glad you've landed well in Fuente-thing. Is it just you and the three little girls or do you have adult help?
Addy - I can give you R&C's email address if necessary. R&C - Can I come to your lunch? Oh, no, I see it's in London - over 20 miles and so it's outside my travelling distance!
Such fun you seem to be having. I'm envious! I want some palm trees. When I win the lottery, I'm going in search of some!
Doglover - yes please to the email address. I'm quite busy in June, but if the date fits I'd be tempted.
Hello Alcohilc Daze (Addy) - I've emailed R & C's address. Hope you can make the lunch in July.
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