Saturday 29 May 2010

Opps sporry

I've got in a mucking fuddly with the pictures and now I'm too pissed to care!
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RNSANE said...

Well, I'm not sure what a mucking fuddly is ... but it must be a hell of a fix. Hope you get out of soon...does it hurt anywhere?

DogLover said...

RNSane - A "mucking fuddy" is what comes out of the mouth when one is too pissed to care!

When sober it comes out as "I'm in a rather distressing muddle".

RNSANE said...

I have to learn this British terminology! In 1997, I did a southeast Asian cruise with half of the passengers from the U. K. I almost needed a dictionary. I made some terrific friends, though...still see them when I'm in England. I learned about "spending a penny."

Anonymous said...

Took me a minute to get the meaning, but now see why you're in a mucking fuddy. So that means that I'm there quite often myself. At our tender age, I'd say that okay. Flagmaker said...

Yes Carmen, we share a language but not always and understanding! said...

You say it your way DogLover, I´ll say it mine! It should have read mucking fuddle anyway! Dah!!! said...

I guess it is Flagmaker. When I grow up I might change my mind.

Ashley said...